The Robust and Safe Systems (ROSAS) Center Fribourg is pleased to announce that the 4th edition of the Safety Days Conference will be taking place on the 18th and 19th of September 2019 at the University of Applied Sciences - School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg in Switzerland.
The ROSAS Center Fribourg invites national and international leading experts from the Aviation, Space, Automotive, Cybersecurity, Railway, Drone and General Safety domains, who will share their experiences and knowledge about Safety.
ROSAS Center Fribourg
Passage du Cardinal 13B – Halle bleue
CH-1700 Fribourg

Axel Firsching
Aviation Consultant, AF Aviation Consulting (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Berns
Director, ROSAS Center Fribourg (Switzerland)
Kourosh Parsa
PhD candidate, University of Queensland (Australia)
Sébastien Dupertuis
Senior Application Engineer, MathWorks (Switzerland)
Stefan David
Senior Team Leader Application Engineering, MathWorks (Germany)
Dipl. Ing (FH) Frank Brennecke
Managing Director, xenthics Group (Germany)
Prof. Thomas Probst
Economist & lawyer, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Lunde
Professor, Ulm University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Hans Tschürtz
Professor, FH Campus Wien (Austria)
Michael Weisgerber
Systems Safety Engineer, BERNS Engineers GmbH, (Germany)
Andrew Bill
Systems Specialist, Airbus (United Kingdom)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Eckehard Schnieder
Independant assessor and consultant (Germany)
Matthias Grössler
Managing Director, FSQ Experts GmbH (Germany)
Dr. Alexander Domahidi
Co-founder & CTO, Embotech (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Jung
Research Professor, University of Applied Sciences Kempten (Germany)
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Becker
Head of Electrical Engineering, BGETEM (Germany)Program


Introduction - 4th edition of the ROSAS Safety Days

KEYNOTE - Derivation of Safety, Security and Availability Targets for Satellite based Train Localisation

Safety and Integrated Mobility: Automated Driving from a Legal Perspective


Safety Challenges in the Field of Automated Driving

SmartIflow - a model-based approach to automated safety analysis in very early stages of systems development

How to quickly detect the top security vulnerabilities in your software


Buffet Dinner

Registration & Coffee

Engine Certification Tests - A Powerful Tool To Demonstrate Product Safety

Challenges and solutions in creating safety-related development- and company documents following industry specific safety engineering processes

Coffee Break

SafeSCRUM - an agile Software Development Approach for Safety Critical Systems

Motion planning for autonomous driving at the limits of handling

Human Reliability v.s. Functional Safety


Overcoming the challenges associated with security and certification aspects of wirelessly monitoring aircraft tire pressures

Integration of safety aspects in the Design of safety related parts in the control system in machines under consideration of the EN ISO 13849-2

Objective Workload Evaluation of Lane Keeping Assistance Systems using Physiological Signals and Driving Performance

How “New Space” Approaches Will Influence Future Mobility and Automated/Autonomous Traffic Systems

Closing Words

Aperitif Networking
1st Day
This fee includes: - access to the conference of the 18 th of September - access to the apero and coffee breaks - access to the buffet dinner in the evening
2nd Day
This fee includes: - access to the conference of the 19th of September - access to the apero and coffee breaks - access to the lunch
2 Days
This fee includes: - access to the whole conference (18th and 19th) – access to the apero and coffee breaks – access to the buffet dinner – access to the lunch
Cancellations should be made in writing at before the 31st of August 2019. After this deadline, the registration is not refunded.